Thursday, April 30, 2020

Around the Web: Get Clever about Working from Home

Clever Girl Finance presents "How to Work From Home: 10 Tips to Stay Productive" and here are a few of our favorite tips from the post:

Create your list of goals for the day

"Having a list of goals or workday priorities can help improve your focus and in turn your productivity. Sometimes work tasks can be overwhelming and so it's a good idea to make a list of the top 3 to 5 work tasks you need to get done each day.

Doing this will keep you on top of your tasks and remind you of what you need to get done within your designated work hours."

Minimize distractions

"Distractions are the enemy of productivity and there are so many. From your Instagram feed to all the other social media you consume to your text messages and email alerts constantly going off.

One way to counter this is to set your phone to "do not disturb" for certain periods of time while you are working. You can also mute your email notifications and instead check emails at designated times during the day.

There are also a ton of apps that can help you stay focused and block distractions on your devices including your computer.”

Take breaks

"Being stuck at your desk or in a room all the time can take its toll. Taking breaks can help you step away from the monotony and give your mind a breather. Take a few minutes every couple of hours to stretch or talk a walk for a refresher.”

Check out the full post here.

Lex reflects: I'm on week 6 of working from home, and I will likely not return to the office before June. This came at an interesting time of my life as I had been struggling with balancing grief at two recent losses and my daily office grind. Bola's tips are very helpful for adjusting to this new way of life and making the most of my work day.

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