Sunday, May 31, 2020

Around the Web: Maintaining Professionalism In The Age of Black Death Is….A Lot

Today's Around the Web is a Medium article by Shenequa Golding that I could barely get through reading without crying, because I have not been able to confront my feelings about the world I have to live and work in. Prior to the COVID shutdowns, I lost two close relatives, and I kept working. The world came to a standstill, death and illness seemed omnipresent, and we were all forced indoors, and I kept working (my work increased). This past week, something finally broke there was no more denying and pushing through all of my feelings. I cried and worked and cried. One of the biggest threats to Black achievement, and even existence, in Corporate America, is the unspoken requirement that Black workers compartmentalize and suppress the challenges of existing while Black in a system designed for racists by racists. 

Shenqua Golding's article captures this feeling:

"We’re biting our tongues, swallowing our rage and fighting back tears to remain professional because expressing that hurt caused by witnessing black death is considered more unprofessional, than black men and women actually being killed."

Read the full article here.