Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Around the Web: Ellevate presents 10 Rules of Success for Women of Color at Work

"Keep showing up, persevering and demonstrating your best efforts. While your work may go unnoticed at times, it’s important to consistently show up and bring your best contribution to the table." - Solonge Lopes published an article written by Solange Lopes, CPA providing career advice for Women of Color at work. Here are a few of our favorite excerpts:

Stop being afraid of being yourself.

"Most people in the corporate world wear a mask. It’s just a fact. However, for women of color at work, wearing a mask has many times been a necessity. According to studies by the Center for Women Policy, 21% of women of color do not think they can be themselves at work. Another 28 to 44% believe they must downplay their ethnicity to increase their chances of success at work.

While this is still the reality in many, if not most, corporate environments, authenticity is still the best way to change the dialogue about women of color at work. The more we hide behind our corporate masks, the less we can bring focus on the actual issues faced by women of color at work."

Get used to being uncomfortable.

"Being a woman of color at work rhymes with being uncomfortable. Not only are there very few other women of color in the room, but our lack of representation can also make it challenging for others to understand the struggles we may face.

However, being uncomfortable is also an advantage. The more uncomfortable you are, the more prepared you tend to be. Getting used to uncomfortable and challenging environments is also the key to being innovative and a high performer."